Coronavirus Update


March 17, 2020: Message from Highview Christian Fellowship
Updated at 10:55pm

Saints, family and friends of Highview, 

We pray this message finds you well amidst the growing concern and ongoing changes surrounding COVID-19. But, despite all that is happening, we serve the sovereign God and we know that He is greater! While we exercise wisdom and the necessary precautions to keep the family of God safe and healthy, we will continue to advance the Kingdom's work using all technologies and resources available to us. 

We invite you to join us online every Wednesday for Bible Study via Facebook or Live Stream at Come with open Bibles, ready to dig into the Word. This Wednesday, we'll study from a replay of Bishop's timely teaching , "I would not have you ignorant concerning the times."

NOTE: There will be no in-person gatherings at the physical church building until further notice. 


March 15, 2020: Message from Bishop Thomas
Updated at 9:30am

Each day new protocols are being set to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  As early as this morning new symptoms that were not discussed have been exposed.  It is most important that we trust God,  and use the best wisdom we can to not be presumptuous. Therefore,  we will suspend all church activities for at least the next two weeks.

Stay tuned for online and streaming services to include bible study. Also, you may use multiple giving options to include online giving today, so that Ministry will continue to move forward.

Meanwhile. I encourage everyone to not panic, but follow the safe protocols that are well published. Continue to watch as well as pray. 

Much love,
Bishop Phillip O. Thomas

4100 Hunt Road, Fairfax, VA 22032 | (703)-323-6367 |